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Image by Vedrana Filipović

Chemicals are all around you...


Global Exim trades in various chemicals and solvents used in a wide range of industries. A chemical is any substance that has a defined composition. In other words, a chemical is always made up of the same "stuff." Some chemicals occur in nature, such as water. Other chemicals are manufactured, such as chlorine (used for bleaching fabrics or in swimming pools). 

3D Printing Fiber

The most "Recycle Me" sign used...


Global Exim deals in plastics as well. The world is full of plastics. Whether you realize it or not, practically everything you see and use on a daily basis is entirely or partly plastic material. Your television, computer, car, house, refrigerator, and many other essential products utilize plastic materials to make your life easier and more straightforward.  However, all plastics are not made alike. Manufacturers utilize a variety of different plastic materials and compounds that each possess unique properties. 

Image by Stephen Foster

Feeling healthy is the most important aspect of life...


Global Exim is also in the medicine sector. These drugs or pharmaceutical drugs for use as medications to be administered to patients, with the aim to cure them, vaccinate them, or alleviate symptoms. 

Various Indian Spices

The way to a person's heart is through their stomach...


Global Exim is also in the kitchen sector. A food ingredient is any substance that is added to a food to achieve a desired effect. The term “food ingredient” includes food additives, which are substances added to foods for specific technical and/or functional purposes during processing, storage or packaging.

Spraying Perfume

Confidence Comes from the way you smell...


Global Exim indirectly offers confidence in your step by providing the raw materials required for manufacturing them. We also deal in flavours in food as well. Flavour is the quality of something that affects the sense of taste. We know you've got great taste!

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